Pavlína Lesová, Ivan Andráško
Department of Geography at Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
In 1972, according to the project of Paul Krchňák, began building of housing estate of the Czechoslovak-Soviet Friendship - today's Bohunice. A large residential complex is located at the southeast periphery of Brno and the continuous built-up area borders with Starý Lískovec, whose construction started at the same year. Both settlements are designed very similar and carry same characters. Urbanistic composition of the housing estate is now seen very embarrassed and often is referred to the South City in Prague as an evidence the worst era of comunist planning. Bohunice provides settlement for 16,076 people in 6,020 apartments. 
Bystrc is the furthest housing estate from the city center of Brno. Bystrc is located in the western part of the city and does not attach to any other part of Brno. Location remote from the city center brings the advantage of high-quality environment. On the other hand is a big disadvantage aspect of accessibility, especially of public transport.
Despite the fact that the project documentation of Bystrc ??was prepared in an extremely short time, came out quite good in terms of urban settlements, which are currently merged with the original existing buildings and surrounding countryside. Housing estate is divided into three separate parts and in the 2001 Census, there were reported 21,141 people in 8,457 homes. 
Prefab houses were built on the territory of Brno since the sixties, but was rather a unique projects before the occupation area. The first Brno´s coherent residential housing estate built with its own set of public facilities and its own center is Juliánov. Housing estate project, according to Paul Krchňák for 4100 people in 1313 dwellings, was carried out in 1960 - 1965. Juliánov housing estate is in comparison to other housing estates in Brno unique in that it contains a square, which during the construction of other Brno´s housing estates completely disappeared. All services were built parallel to the housing which preventing the lack of public facilities as well as later in Vinohrady or Kohoutovice. Juliánov is associated with the center of Brno tram, one of the oldest in Brno, functioning since 1939. In 2001, lived on the housing estate Juliánov 3231 inhabitants in 1352 dwellings (Census, 2001). 
Kamenný vrch
The youngest of Brno housing estate - Kamenný vrch is located on the southwestern edge of the town of Brno. Construction began in the late eighties and was completed in mid-nineties. It adjacent to the Nový a Starý Lískovec. Kamenný vrch is typical stand-alone satellite settlements, built on the periphery of the city practically as a greenfield with a purely residential function. Huge problem of the settlement is the issue of parking spaces. In 2001 the estate consisted of 7,055 residents in 2,451 dwellings (Census, 2001). 
Kohoutovice housing estate is located in the northwestern part of the city of Brno and like Bystrc contiguous existing buildings not attached to any other city district of Brno. All around is surrounded by forests and its location at an altitude over 400 m above sea level is the highest settlement in Brno. Kohoutovice´s buildings can be seen almost anywhere from Brno and its surroundings, making up one of the typical dominant of Brno.
The construction of 3,571 flats for 11 500 inhabitants was completed as planned in. Very rugged relief affects the built up area in which it was very difficult to put a comprehensive concept of settlement. Kohoutovice today ranked as one of the most popular housing estates in Brno with a quality environment. 
The advantage of Komín housing estate is in its topography, which tries to merge with the original old buildings. In the vicinity of old houses architects designed the lower panel blocks, which successively becomes multi-storey houses. From an urban point of view, the project is well accepted mainly due to decent scale buildings that did not alter the original buildings panorama such as Kohoutovice or Jundrov. Housing estate is generally formed with only a four-storey blocks of flats, where in 2001 lived 5468 inhabitants. 
Lesná was established as a completely new land with the original name without any relation to the older settlement. The inspiration for the project was a Garden City Tapiola in Espoo, Finland. Lesná housing estate is very well appreciated both residents and architects and in recent years was considered a declaration of Lesná as cultural heritage. Differentiation of the settlement into four districts reflect the social status of the population. The first and second district includes apartments with a lower standard, while the districts three and four possess with more spacious apartments with higher living standard. The monumental scale of buildings blurs fairly liberal spacing of buildings and surrounding landscaping. In 2001 the settlement Lesna reported 12,828 people in 6,016 dwellings (Census, 2001). 
Líšeň housing estate was built between 1975 - 1985 in connection with the need to create housing for workers of Zetor Brno. Lisen is like Kohoutovice or Bystrc quite far from the city center, which carries both advantages and disadvantages associated with long travel times. On the other hand, advantage is a good environment.
The original concept supposed the construction of housing estate for 60 - 70 thousand people, which was until then totally unique achievement, but the original vision was realized only as a small part. In these days the Líšeň occupies about half of the originally supposed area.
The actual quality of the dwellings in Líšeň vary considerably. Prefab houses were built for potential residents that have been assumed some economic status. Flats should been allocated almost tailor-made. However, during the housing crisis in the eighties flats were allocated rather randomly, often based on corruption. 
On the southeastern periphery of the city of Brno is a compact housing estate Slatina. The proposal to build a housing estate was founded in 1974 and due to panel construction it was demolished a large part of the original village core. Near the settlement there is an airport Tuřany that createy severe noise pollution for local residents and devalues the quality of housing. In addition, close to the settlement began to emerge in 2002 Černovice terrace industrial zone that is one of the most important industrial projects in Brno. Slatina in a short time transformed from peripheral part of the city of Brno with rural character in a residential complex close to Brno's core industry. The disadvantage is the strong increase in car traffic in the vicinity of settlements, which implies a degradation of environmental quality. 
Starý Lískovec
Starý Lískovec housing estate is very closely linked with the construction of a residential complex in Bohunice, which began in 1972. A pair of settlements carried name - Czechoslovak-Soviet Friendship. The quality of housing is heavily influenced by highway D1, which is located near the settlement. Noise pollution from road and rail transport is still not completely resolved. Starý Lískovec has 13,044 inhabitants in 3377 bytes (Census, 2001). 
Vinohrady housing estate lies in the eastern city of Brno and form a single urban complex with Líšeň settlement. Due to panel construction it was demolished the original village of Hamburg. The construction was begun in 1983. During the construction of the housting estate, collectors were used as an innovative method of water supply and electricity network. Collectors became an inspiration for designers of other housing estates, not only in the Czech Republic but in other European countries. Collectors significantly facilitate the laying of utility networks and their ongoing maintenance, but the major disadvantage is that if you want to keep up its technical and economic advantages it predetermines the final settlement into the form of more or less a square grid. Another innovative element during construction of Vinohrady was the use until then an unprecedented range of colorful facades of the houses, which gave Vinohrady stamp of newness, and a departure from the uniformity of housing estates built in the 60th and 70 years. As a huge problem remains the issue of parking capacity. In the 80th, planners assumed only one car for four families but today is this assumption greatly surpassed. 
Housing estate Žabovřesky was built between 1966 - 1977 and belongs to one of the oldest housing estates in Brno. The overall design included 3,722 flats for 12 500 inhabitants. The entire estate is characterized by a homogeneous four-storied buildings that are all identically oriented strictly to the cardinal points. Urban design of Žabovřesky is hard to read, the houses are located in an area more or less randomly, at different intervals and distances from the connecting roads. Moreover terrain specifics do not replicate any part of the settlement and in the housing estate does not repeat the same pattern of spatial position of buildings. From the above one would assume that Žabovřesky have a strong element of individuality, but the reality is that the orientation in the estate is very difficult and confusing for a foreign man. Housing estate Žabovřesky now perfectly merged with the surrounding greenery and it does not interfere with the scale of the original buildings. 