Balázs Szabó, Ágnes Erőss
Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Number of dwellings: 13 000 Built: 1972-1985
One of the largest housing estate in northern part of Budapest (3rd district). The whole housing estate is from prefabricated buildings and the two thirds of them are 9 or more storeys. Most of the dwellings have 2,5-3 rooms, the first inhabitants are mostly young families with 2 or more children. .

Number of dwellings: 3 600
Built: 1957-1964
One of the earliest housing estate near to the inner part of Buda (11th district). Built in modernist style, fits to the urban structure (4-5 storeys in the inner part, and 6-7 storeys along the main road). Because ofs good location and dwelling structure and the system of redistribution of flats the first inhabitants have high social status.

Rákoskeresztúr City Center
Number of dwellings: 7 900 Built: 1971-1989
Built after the demolishing of the old city center of the 17th district. The housing estate is very far from the city (15 kms), the insufficient public transport is a constant problem from its consrtuction. However the most houses built in the 70-ies, there are some newer, 80-ies style 3-4 stories blocks, with more aesthetic surface, bigger flats, younger, well-to do inhabitants.

Number of dwellings: 3 000 Built: 1977-1983
Őrmező is a smaller housing estate of the 70ies prefabricated block of flats. Located near to the railway and the highway, so the noise of the traffic is one of the main problems. The regeneration of the buildings started in the 2000s and almost completely finished.

Number of dwellings: 16 000 Built: 1968-1985
Újpalota is the largest housing estate in the 15th district, built on the former agricultural land between the old settlement and an industruial zone. Lot of the first inhabitants came from demolished slums in the 70ies. The regeneration of prefabricated houses has started in the early 2000s.
